The Summit Explorer
Every explorer needs an experienced guide. Whether you’re traversing a mountain or exploring new terrain, a guide will help you reach your destination.
Serving you as a guide is the heartbeat of Summit Strategy. That’s why we’re sharing some of our valuable insight from our experienced, expert team and partners for you to add more tools to your toolbox and take your business to new heights.
Ready to begin your journey to the summit?
Start with our Summit Explorer.
If your federal pipeline is shrinking, stalling, or straight-up vanishing, you’re not alone. If you’re only focused on federal work right now, you’re leaving money on the table. The best time to diversify your client portfolio was last year; the next best time is NOW.
The state, local, and education (SLED) market is booming, and if you’re a government contractor looking to diversify beyond federal work, now is the time to expand. So where should you be looking? I’ve broken down the five hottest SLED markets across the country… covering every region so you can find the right fit for your business.
If your federal pipeline is shrinking, stalling, or straight-up vanishing, you’re not alone. If you’re only focused on federal work right now, you’re leaving money on the table. The best time to diversify your client portfolio was last year; the next best time is NOW.
The federal contracting landscape is changing and FAST. If you’re still using the same old generic, bloated messaging, you’re making it harder for decision-makers to see your value. The companies that win in this environment will be the ones that can clearly communicate why they are the right choice – and why cutting their contract shouldn’t be an option.
Get expert tips on preparing for orals and shortlist interviews. Learn how to outline your presentation, tell compelling stories, and master Q&A sessions. Discover why preparation matters and how hiring an orals coach can give your team the winning edge.